Roof Repairs

Flat Roof Repairs

Pitched Roof Repairs

AJM Roofline offer all types of Roof Repairs

About our Roof Repair Services

AJM Roofline carry out all roof repairs and upgrades, chimney repairs, roof verges and re-bed ridge tiles, roof tile replacements, new roofs

AJM Roofline combine traditional roofing skills with the latest roofing product technology to supply and repair roofs on all types of buildings.

Highly skilled team of roofers, with a wealth of knowledge, within the roofing industry to cover all aspects of roofing repairs.

We are always on hand to undertake all aspects of roofing repair and maintenance. 

The gutters repair services are available. Call us for more information.

Chimney Repairs

We repair all cracks, fissures and gale damaged chimneys.


Chimney Reductions

Chimney Inspections

Chimney Removal

Chimneys, being the highest point of the roof endure all weather and this, over time causes the mortar between the brickwork to crack and crumble and if left can lead to the bricks becoming loose.  The worse scenario if they are neglected could cause the chimney to become unstable and may fall onto the roof causing damage or damage to anything or anyone at ground level.  A minor re-pointing repair will be far cheaper than leaving it until the situation becomes dire.

We understand the rigours a chimney must withstand; we employ only professional roofers to work to the highest standard to ensure that your chimney is stable. 

Flat Roof Repairs

The traditional options of Flat Roofing are: Felt, Rubber and Fibreglass.

AJM Roofline only use good quality products and materials from reliable companies.

Rebuilding or Installing a flat roof is quite simple as long as it is done by a professional roofer, we install all types of flat roofing.

Installation and costs of a flat roof varies depending on the type of flat roof you require.

AJM Roofline ensure that the flat roof you require is correctly installed and suitable for the type of roof you have.

Flat roofing has numerous benefits. Here are some example benefits:

Advantageous to the design of smaller structures like porches and garages.

More cost effective on average than a pitched roof

Wide variety of materials.

Pitched Roof Repairs

AJM Roofline can inspect your roof and check for problems, before they become significant.  Or, you may have noticed a leak that appeared after a significant storm in your area or perhaps after a recent repair was done to your roof that wasn’t quite finished. 

Common roof repairs are slipped or missing roof tiles or slates due to wind damage or accidental damage.

Roofs are damaged by bad storms, hail damage, strong winds, extreme temperature, ice and fallen objects.  Call us to find and fix your issues.


Roof Repairs Gallery


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